Sunshine and pretty people.
Hello everyone who cares to check this site~ I've been pretty busy lately, and if you want to know more check out the most recent
news post (down below, btw). I hope you've had a Merry Christmas/Whatever You Believe, and a great New Year! I haven't updated
this message since I made this site and since it's after Christmas, and I realized how I want to present this place, I thought I'd change it. If you want to hear
more frequently from me, I'd suggest taking a trip over to Purgatory.
Be warned though, it's not for those who want to feel very positive or happy. Also: I might change this site altogether to fit what I want more,
but I also want to preserve it in a way since it was my first shot at html. I might get premium I guess? To make another site? We'll see.
I hope you're feeling good today!! Remember you can talk about whatever you like, as long as it is not harming others.
Not Dead - Jan 1st 2019 9:26pm
Hey!! Look who's back at it again
after... what? A month? Jeeeeez.
There's been a lot happening with
family, and Christmas, and travel
(especially travel) and so I haven't
had internet connection for a long
while. But that only excuses the last
3 weeks. The rest of the time I was
busy cramming in lessons and stuff
for the end of the semester...
Which has been quite not-great.
But I hope you're all feeling good!
I'm not dead, and I'm gonna figure
out wth to do with the "Live" tab :)
Mac Broke - Dec 15th 2018 7:32pm
I am incredibly sorry for not
updating anything for such a
long time!!! But I'm back and I'm
here. My computer has been broken
for a very, very long time.
I fixed it just about 30
minutes ago and had to reinstall
all my stuff first, but I came
straight here to tell all 2
visitors I get :)
Have an excellent weekend!!!
Cooldown - Dec 7th 2018 8:46pm
I might be taking a bit longer to
update this place, mainly
because I'm finding less and less
time :( but that's alright! I'll
still make little edits over time
as well as some larger ones.
I'm still thinking about what I
want to include on this site??
So I'll be adding and removing
random junk constantly while I
work out all of the stuff.
The Start - Dec 5th 2018 1:57pm
I've just found neocities
yesterday, and have
worked quite a bit on this site
already. If you are here in
search of assistance and find that
there is no place to vent, look
no further than the 'Be Happy'